How to Start a Credit Repair Company

How to Start a Credit Repair Company

How to Start a Credit Repair Company

Are you tired of working a grueling 9 to 5 job? Are you exhausted when it comes to working for someone else? Is your current boss difficult when it comes to business operations? Unquestionably, it is time to work for yourself! One of the top businesses people think about opening themselves is a credit repair company. In fact, with all the Covid-19 restrictions, owning your own online businesses is a fabulous way to make money. In addition, if you are interested in opening your own business, keep reading this article! We will teach you the steps on how to start a credit repair company.


The Basics of How to Start a Credit Repair Company

When starting your own business you need to make sure you understand all legal requirements required. We will provide a list of all these legal requirements down below in another section. In addition, find the right software for your business is a very important step. There are many software companies out there that cater to this type of business. However, finding the one which best suits your company is the most important.

Unquestionably, you need to set a website for your new business. This is the process in which you reach out to your customers. How can you build a customer base without letting them know who you are and what you do? The answer is you cannot build one without a website. In today’s world, technology is growing. In fact, having a website can pull in many potential clientele.

Not only do you need to build a website, you also need to establish some sort of payment system. In fact, you need to set up two different kinds of payment systems. One payment system should be in paying your employees. If you do not have employees, than that step will not be necessary. However, the second payment system which needs set up is very important. This is the payment system in which you receive money from you clients.

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How to Start a Credit Repair Company

In addition, you need to set up some rules for your business. You may have problems with clients and will need some sort of resolutions set up. This process will help your business succeed. You will know the steps on how to fix conflict when the need arises. You will not have to set and think about a solution because you will already have one in place.

Unquestionably, you will also want to think about how to market your company and pull people in. In fact, having a very informative website is one way to get some clientele. However, there are several ways in which you can market your business. Undoubtedly, when you are first making your business plan, doing research is a must. Marketing strategies should be at the top of your list on your business plan. This is what makes your company grow.

Needed Legal Requirements For How to Start A Credit Repair Company

Bonded and Insured

There are several legal requirements you should fulfill when starting any business, not just a credit repair one. In fact, every business needs to make sure they are bonded and insured. What does this mean for the consumer? This means the company has bought a bond called a surety bond. As a matter of fact, a surety bond protects the third part, or client, from losing money on certain things. One thing being, if a job is not finished, the client will get their money back or at least part of their money.

There are several things that can happen in any business. For example, you hire a construction company to build you a deck. However, before the deck can be done, the person building it disappears without finishing the work. You would than submit a claim to the company. The claim would be investigated by the company who the company bought the surety bond through. Sometimes, this can be a pain and can take a long time to get to the bottom. However, getting your money back for a job not completed is a must.

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In fact, being bonded is done so that no company can take advantage of a client or consumer. My advice to you, make sure your company is bonded and insured. This way if any difficulties pop up, then you will be covered. This can go both ways. For example, the person who hires you may decide they should not have spent the money. They then file a claim that is filled with unreasonable complaints. They would do this to try to get some or all their money back. However, if you are boned and insured, an investigation would be started. The company would be able to see the job was completely the way it should have been and the person is just being difficult. So yes, protect your company!

Federal Laws for How to Start A Credit Repair Company

The Credit Repair Organizations Act is a federal law that controls credit repair operations in the United States. The CROA, does many important things when it comes to credit repair. However, one of the most important things the Credit Repair Organizations Act did is make it illegal for credit repair organizations to make false claims. This helps protect clients and the business. If the company is found to have been making false claims, they could possibly close the business. In addition, the person or people who are guilty of these false claims can see prison time.

State Required Credit Repair Laws For How to Start A Credit Repair Company

How to Start a Credit Repair Company

Unquestionably, not only are there Federal laws credit repair companies must follow, there are also state laws. Many states have laws that manage credit repair organizations along with the federal laws. In addition, some states disallow any form of payment by the client prior to the credit repair company providing services. In fact, many state laws set terms and conditions all credit repair businesses must follow. Including business and financial industry laws because they are related to the credit repair organizations operating within the state. Your company should be well aware of the state and Federal laws so you do not break any of them. This could be a big problem for your company.

Which Software Is Right for How to Start A Credit Repair Company

As of 2021, there are many software packages a credit repair company can choose from. In fact, there are so many choices, it can get confusing at times. My advice to you is do your research. You should research what each type of software offers. There are some amazing credit repair software makers out there! You should write a list on what you need for your company and compare it with each credit repair software. You should never settle. Let’s face it, this is your business and lively hood we are talking about!

Although there are many options out there, some can be quite pricey. However, you should not just settle on software because it is cheap or expensive. You need to find out exactly what the software is offering your business. In fact, some software, which can be on the expensive side, offers many options that may not pertain to your credit repair business. As stated above, research into these different software options are a must.

Turbo Dispute

If you are needing some inspiration, Turbo Dispute is a software company in which offers software to the public. However, as far as I know, you have to use it through them. I believe it stated they will not sale you the rights to the software. In addition, it offers many options that would be good for a starting credit repair company. In fact, you can go to their website and check out all the software has to offer. Unquestionably, one of the beneficial things about turbo dispute software is it transfers everything from your credit reports right to your account on the software. That’s amazing! That will save some time and energy!




iCount is an innovated software that offers many business options. In fact, it is stated to be business management through the icloud. Many users have stated this style of software is better bookkeeping for your business. In fact, iCloud offers invoicing, payments, billing, expenses, CRM, inventory, projects, time tracking, and much more! All of this is offered at a very low price starting at $5 dollars a month.

If you look at iCount’s webste. They are set up kind of like a menu style. The base price is $5 and you add on any additional services you would like. All the guidelines and pricing are clearly market. Unquestionably, this helps with keeping the guess work out of making a business plan. In addition, they seem to be moderately priced for all services. If you compare them to other services, they are some where in between. However, they have more options to offer than the lower costing companies. As stated above, do your research!

Credit Repair Cloud

Credit Repair Cloud is one of the top rated software for beginners. In fact, they offer you a free trial to prove to you they are extremely easy to use. In addition, this extremely easy to use software teaches you how to set-up a profit making credit repair business. It can be from home or from a building you decided to use for your business. As a matter of fact, this software can teach beginners and professionals who have been in the game for a long time. It all depends on you! Unquestionably, Credit Repair Cloud offers 4 different plans ranging from $179 to $599 a month. However, keep in mind, with each plan more options are added. They seem to have very fair pricing for both the small businesses and corporations.

Monthly plans:

For example, Credit Repair Cloud’s $599/month plan offers:

  • adding up to 24 employees
  • unlimited storage and affiliates
  • Allows to have up to 2,400 clients
  • all core components of the software

Credit Repair Cloud’s $399/month plan:

  • up to 12 employees
  • unlimited storage and affiliates
  • all the core components
  • allows up to 1,200 clients

Credit Repair Cloud’s $299/month plan:

  • up to 6 employees
  • allows up to 600 clients
  • all core components

Credit Repair Cloud’s $179/month plan:

  • up to 3 employees
  • core training features
  • unlimited affiliates and storage
  • up to 300 clients
  • all templates for dispute letters

As you can see, they offer many options for beginners or pros! In fact, do not forget, they offer a free trial to see if their program is right for you. As a matter of fact, if you check out Credit Repair Cloud’s reviews, you will see they are one of the highest rated business software companies. They like to provide insight and help to all their clients. In addition, they clearly state, their software is not a way to a get rich-scheme. It does take time to set a business, but with all their software has to offer, it makes setting the business up a lot easier.

Conclusion To How to Start a Credit Repair Company

How to Start a Credit Repair Company

I know when doing research or even starting a new business, things can be overwhelming. However, there are many different software companies out there to offer you assistance. Undoubtedly, some software may seem expensive.

Let me ask you this one question: How can you put a price on your future? An investment in any business software would help your business grow and thrive. In fact, to keep up with the bigger companies, you will have to come up with a business plan which will allow you to use either software you have created or one from the bigger software companies.

It is important to remember, a successful business is the key. It can be very time consuming. However, the outcome is whats important! In fact, not many people have become successful over night. The few that have are very lucky. With that being said, get your business plan started and begin the process of making it real! Please see a few links provided below.

Credit Repair Cloud